In 2024, BT revealed their decision to withdraw their Redcare alarm signalling services from the market completely by 1st August 2025.
Consequently, anyone with monitored electronic systems, such as automatic fire and security systems that use a BT Redcare signalling product may need to make alternative arrangements before this date.
What are the changes and what action can be taken?
BT Openreach, which manages the UK landline telephone network, will replace the traditional copper wire system in favour of modern digital technology utilising fibre optic cables. This means BT Redcare will no longer be available.
BT’s collaboration with AddSecure
To help existing BT Redcare customers, BT has collaborated with AddSecure, specialists in alarm signalling solutions. You can find out more here. They will help to manage the transition to their service, making it as seamless as possible for customers. If you choose to move to AddSecure, your cover will continue as normal. You still have the option to change providers if you wish.
How Towergate can help
We are aware that this will impact many of Towergate’s business customers, and individual clients, using BT Redcare for alarm signalling services.
Many businesses and individuals may choose to stay with AddSecure, but some may consider making a change and find out what other options are available.
If you have business premises, it is usually a condition of your commercial insurance that a reputable provider is used to monitor fire and security alarms. This will form just part of the fire and security risk assessment for your business. If you are making changes to the way your business is protected, please speak to your Towergate adviser.
What's more, if you have any questions about the impact on your business or personal insurance, please contact your local Towergate office, where the team will be happy to help.
Consistent with our policy when giving comment and advice on a non-specific basis, we cannot assume legal responsibility for the accuracy of any particular statement. In the case of specific problems, we recommend that professional advice be sought.