Preparing Your Home For Summer Floods

Preparing Your Home For Summer Floods

Unfortunately, one of the downsides to living in the UK is the unpredictability of our weather. Or actually, the predictability of our weather - where it feels like there’s significant rainfall every month of the calendar year. 

Because of this, and particularly in the summer, we need to be aware of some of the dangers flooding can bring to your home. 

We should point out here that flooding can occur at any time, but in the summer months, we’re generally less prepared. 

So, what can we do in advance to help protect our house and family life? Here are a few things to keep an eye on… 

Helping to prepare for summer floods 

The best place to start is here via the government’s online flood warning service. This is a free online tool that can help if you think that your home or business is at risk of flooding. 

Depending on where your home is, you can receive government warnings about flooding from groundwater, the sea or rivers. 

It’s then time to make a list in preparation. So, jotting down what you think is most at risk of being damaged in your house, and then, taking pictures of different parts of the inside of your property, both before and after the potential damage occurs. 

If you have lots of belongings placed on the ground floor, start thinking about moving them to different places in the house - ideally upstairs or into the loft. This includes things like your phone/laptop chargers and other electric cables you might need. 

Before any flood, imagine what you might need if the unfortunate did happen. For example, increase food essentials, make sure any medication is in a safe place, and store blankets, boots and other waterproofs in an easy-to-access cupboard or storage spot. 

Temporary measures like flood barriers and sandbags are always helpful and a way to prevent or at least combat the initial stage of a flood. Before the flood reaches your property, try and move your vehicle to an area where flooding is far less likely. 

And last but certainly not least, keep emergency contacts to hand (local council as well as fire, ambulance and police), and make yourself familiar with the safest way to evacuate your home should you need to. 

Additional to remember: 

  • Do not drive, swim or walk through any type of flood
  • Prevent pets or children from playing in the flood
  • Refrain from touching anything electrical
  • Wash hands regularly to remove any sewage that may be present in floodwater
  • Check-in by phone with neighbours and other people who might be impacted
  • Check you have the appropriate insurance in place and know how to make a claim 

The government does offer some helpful advice to home owners as to what to do before, during and after a flood, but our specialist Towergate team is also at hand to offer you help and advice. Our experts have years of flood insurance experience between them and are on hand to help you now.

For more information on protecting your home against the impact of floods, please speak to your local Towergate adviser.